Customer Review

7th night of headphone use - I listen every day to the sounds for at least 6 hours but not necessarily while sleeping. Often My hearing has improved since starting this. I couldn't hear over 10,400 Hz with my right ear since getting tinnitus. Now I can hear over 14,600 Hz with that ear. I tested with several sound generating sites. Now the right matches more closely with my left ear.
URL: Comment: Amazing results !!! I ordered the CD and bought the Koss headphones. Able to sleep deeply now, and the ringing in my brain and ears has substantially diminished. The annoying v2k voices knocked out! I will continue this CD to get free from the invasive technology being used against us. Dave I am so grateful the Spirit of Christ lives in you. Many Thanks Ethel. (A no longer suffering TI). Love,
Yesterday I took a nap and woke up with the ticks really loud, listened to the CD for 1 hour with bone conduction headphones and the ticks are gone.
HI Dave I just wanted to say that your CD is the only thing that I have found that disrupts their entrainment. They are afraid of R... Thank You for your efforts. Sincerely
Frank Allen-Targeted Massachusetts
The Allen Institute for Human Rights
Note Day 1 and the "voices" v-2-k are already dampened , 4years of torturous hell that destroyed my life (lost everything) and briefly my sanity . , I will send much more as i see progress. You're doing god's work. I love you man!
Jayne Foster Thank you Dave Case! I had dream invasion and your CD stopped it . I have been a lucid dreamer all my life and they were coming into my dreams and playfull terrorizing me as though it were a game to them . I am a targeted individual and your CD stopped it before it went further. Many thanks and blessing to you.