This ULTRA SONIC JAMMER was designed by electronic engineer Dave Case

Why CDs & SDs?
CD’s and SD cards are sent for security reasons, they cant be hacked.
V2k shielding is essential for protecting against harmful external influences, and these devices are designed to help in that process. The special proprietary sounds on this CD block many conditions that people are feeling around the world because it JAMS ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT AND causes neuroplasticity (brain healing). When played on recommended headphones, the CD creates ultrasonic frequencies in the 2.8 MHz range known to promote healing of neurons. This sound mix reduces or stops v2k, v2k harassment, v2k blocker, remote neural monitoring, and hyperacusis. It also helps reduce or stop TTTS, street theatre, clicking sounds, and vibrations, and can improve hearing.

This CD acts as a v2k shield, acting as a shield for the mind, promoting deeper sleep, and improving clarity of mind. It also helps mask your bio-signature, stopping nefarious EMF. Think of it as a master reboot key for neurons. The very short pulses and waveforms are perceived by neurons as reset signals. You must play the CD every night for 3 weeks on low to medium volume using Koss KTX-PRO1 headphones.
There are many testimonies from users at the bottom of the page! Just donate for shipping to receive your free Jammer CD. Any extra donation will help those less fortunate and unable to afford shipping. If you don't have a PayPal account or card, you can send a check or money order (must be in U.S. dollars) for shipping ($19) to Case Electronics, PO Box 394, Van Buren, MO 63965. How to block v2k? The CD is your solution!

Neuroplasticity, also known as neural plasticity, or brain plasticity, is the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. These changes range from individual neuron pathways making new connections, to systematic adjustments like cortical remapping.
You must have Headphones
You must get one of three types of headphones pictured below for it to work.For CDs get a programmable CD player (has repeat). For sd cards , get player that plays wav files and you MUST keep it in wav or lossless format for it to work !!!
Tinnitus & Ultrasound
The aim of this study was to determine whether a low dose of ultrasound, applied over the mastoid bone, caused a subjective improvement in the level of tinnitus in long standing tinnitus sufferers. Forty patients from the Swansea Tinnitus Association volunteered to take part in a double blind crossover trial. They received a 10-minute treatment with an ultrasound generator and an identical placebo device on two separate visits.

This jammer CD was tested and found to be creating ultrasonic harmonics in the 2.8 mhz range when played on koss ktx-pro1 headphones, this frequency is known for Neural healing (neuroplasticity). Email us your testimonies to
Here are the Options,IF USING STRIPE EMAIL US YOU CORRECT ADDRESS, IF USING PAYPAL make sure to put in NOTE with PAYPAL (yellow button below) YOUR ADDRESS AND what you want:: free CD or free micro SD card (just pay $19 shipping) To get the jammer CD or SD card hit yellow pay pal button below and donate for shipping.If you dont have pay pal account you can still hit pay pall button and select pay with credit or debit card at bottom . CDs and SD cards are sent for security reasons, they cant be hacked like a download ,This jammer CD replaces shielding,reverses effects of EMF on brain and can restore brain chemistry to normal by promoting neuroplasticity (brain healing!!)
- Case Electronics, PO Box 394, Van Buren MO 63965
- +1 (573) 300 1579
PAYPAL & STRIPE ( no account needed if paying with stripe and it takes any card)
- To order jammer CD or SD Card just pay the $19 shipping by donating that amount using The yellow paypal button below.
- Leave note with paypal giving name and shipping address and if you want CD or SD card.
PayPal Donation Form
CD Copyright © 2000. MAKE SURE TO PUT IN NOTE WITH PAY PAL if you want a free CD or micro SD card( $19 shipping). If you don’t have pay pal account you can pay with a card by hitting pay pal button and select “PAY WITH CARD” at the bottom. TO DONATE MORE THAN $19 CLICK JUST ABOVE THE PAYPAL BUTTON AND SELECT THE AMOUNT.
To PAY WITH CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD CLICK ON YELLOW PAY PAL BUTTON ABOVE AND SELECT PAY WITH CARD AT BOTTOM. I have spent thousands of dollars sending CDs out for free and must now collect for shipping. I view this as a mission to save humanity from all of these conditions, I must get shipping to continue this mission. Any extra donation will go to help others.
Donate for Shipping & Handling
Address Book
you MUST include YOUR UPDATED ADDRESS IN NOTE WITH PAY PAL WHEN MAKING DONATION for shipping to receive CD!!! Check your SPAM folder or add to your addressbook!
If you dont have pay pal account still click on pay pal button and then select pay with card at bottom.or send check or money order (MUST BE IN U.S. DOLLARS) to Case Electronics po box 394 van buren MO 63965 to get CD .you MUST print your name and address, if we cant read your cursive writing we cant send your CD.if you dont get your CD within 12 days contact us with your name at
when you order CD, to be effective please order the proper headphones Koss Ktx-pro1 they are on amazon for $19(frequency response toward the higher area of human hearing ~25K Hz (most headphones / earphones do not)).
YOU MUST LEAVE AN UP TO DATE ADDRESS IN NOTE when making pay pal payment to get CD!
Time Availability
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Quick Response
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1 Year Warranty
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This CD breaks down many forms of tinnitus (sound induced (natural tinnitus), sudden UN-explainable tinnitus,Artificial tinnitus,clicking sounds and stops V2K ),also stops hyperacusis and many report deeper sleep, increased cognitive ability and clarity of mind . This was invented by an electronics engineer who started experimenting and inventing at a young age, then got his degree, went on to invent a light operated computer only to be attacked with severe sonic tinnitus (like our Diplomats in Cuba) during the patent process. He was able to invent a countermeasure for the sonic Tinnitus in the year 2000. He has since eliminated or greatly reduced the effects of electronic harassment in hundreds around the world and helped free those who experience these debilitating conditions .
This CD is like a fire wall for the brain and allowing and promoting the brain to heal. Read the many testimony letters on this site and then you will understand how we intend to help millions for has been analyzed by a neuro scientist and the 7 kinds of interference on CD have Brownian characteristics of true randomness that came from thermal energy picked up by the thermal transducer/oscillator device that has never existed before Dave Case invented it . This is where the sounds came from. The cd is free just donate $15 shipping and handling and one will be mailed to you. we have improved it 17 times with feed back from users.
The electronic engineer, when under a sonic tinnitus weapon attack called out to the Creator of all things for help and then created the oscillator/ thermal transducer that had never before existed . the sounds on the CD that has given thousands of peoples lives back. YOU MUST LEAVE ADDRESS IN NOTE WHEN MAKING PAY PAL PAYMENT!!! contact phone number is 573-300-1579 instructions for CD: play on koss ktx-pro1 headphones (MUST) for 2 hours in day, then switch to nights for 3 weeks, all night every night on low volume WITHOUT skipping a night or feedback loop will reform and you will have to start over.
This CD breaks down many forms of tinnitus (sound induced (natural tinnitus), sudden UN-explainable tinnitus,Artificial tinnitus,clicking sounds and stops V2K ),also stops hyperacusis and many report deeper sleep, increased cognitive ability and clarity of mind . This was invented by an electronics engineer who started experimenting and inventing at a young age, then got his degree, went on to invent a light operated computer only to be attacked with severe sonic tinnitus (like our Diplomats in Cuba) during the patent process. He was able to invent a countermeasure for the sonic Tinnitus in the year 2000. He has since eliminated or greatly reduced the effects of electronic harassment in hundreds around the world and helped free those who experience these debilitating conditions .
This CD is like a fire wall for the brain and allowing and promoting the brain to heal. Read the many testimony letters on this site and then you will understand how we intend to help millions for has been analyzed by a neuro scientist and the 7 kinds of interference on CD have Brownian characteristics of true randomness that came from thermal energy picked up by the thermal transducer/oscillator device that has never existed before Dave Case invented it . This is where the sounds came from. The cd is free just donate $15 shipping and handling and one will be mailed to you. we have improved it 17 times with feed back from users.
The electronic engineer, when under a sonic tinnitus weapon attack called out to the Creator of all things for help and then created the oscillator/ thermal transducer that had never before existed . the sounds on the CD that has given thousands of peoples lives back. If you get the mini SD card it is in WAV format , it will last forever ,YOU MUST LEAVE ADDRESS IN NOTE WHEN MAKING PAY PAL PAYMENT!!! contact phone number is 573-300-1579 instructions for CD: play on koss ktx-pro1 headphones (MUST) for 3 weeks all night every night on low volume.
People Say The Nicest Things

Jeniffer Smith
7th night of headphone use – I listen every day to the sounds for at least 6 hours but not necessarily while sleeping. Often it’s been hard to sleep very well while listening. My hearing has improved since starting this. I couldn’t hear over 10,400 Hz with my right ear since getting tinnitus. Now I can hear over 14,600 Hz with that ear. I tested with several sound generating sites. Now the right matches more closely with my left ear. I can’t tell whether or not my tinnitus (which is high pitched) is quieter but I think I’ve been able to ignore it more often during the day.

Pamela Duncan
URL: Comment: Amazing results !!! I ordered the CD and bought the Koss headphones. Able to sleep deeply now, and the ringing in my brain and ears has substantially diminished. The annoying v2k voices knocked out ! I will continue this CD to get free from the invasive technology being used against us. Dave I am S0 grateful the Spirit of Christ lives in you. Many Thanks Love, Ethel. (A no longer suffering TI).
Some Important Articles
Article regarding the engineer’s invention :
NY Times article Sept. 1, 2018 : Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers Motives for Electronic Harassment?? (References)